Exmoor Natural History Society


Exmoor Natural History Society has been active since 1974; recording and studying the wildlife of the National Park and Minehead area and carrying out practical conservation work. The society organises regular wildlife surveys, and collection of records is coordinated by a number of specialist recorders. Raising awareness about the park’s diverse flora and fauna is a key part of the society’s activities.

The society carries out education work and has a reference library that holds a number of guides, species checklists, and distribution atlases written by members. During the summer volunteers man a visitor centre at Porlock Weir car park, which houses displays of Exmoor’s wildlife. Regular work parties manage the society’s nature reserves, Woodcock Gardens and Luckbarrow – where there is an important collection of Whitebeam trees.

Getting Involved

There is a full programme of outdoor and indoor meetings each year, giving plenty of opportunities to get to know Exmoor and its wildlife. The Society issues a report Exmoor Naturalist twice a year which is free to members.

The society caters for a wide range of natural history interests, and members can get involved with a variety of different activities, including recording and practical tasks. There is annual monitoring of nearly 200 nest boxes and over 50 dormouse boxes, and special surveys are regularly undertaken. There is a small annual membership fee, and an application form is available via the society’s website.


For membership and general enquiries contact Secretary Caroline Giddens Tel: 01643 707624, Email: carol.enhs@talktalk.net