Somerset Mammal Group

Somerset Mammal Group Facebook

The Somerset Mammal Group was set up to promote the study and monitoring of mammals not covered by other local specialist groups. Their primary focus is to coordinate systematic recording of various mammal species across the county. This includes helping people participate in national surveys run by the Mammal Society and other organisations. The group also acts as a forum for local mammal enthusiasts to stay in touch with one another, and provides a link to some of the country’s leading mammal experts.  The group was founded by well-known local mammalogist Michael Woods and is affiliated to the Mammal Society.

Getting Involved

Membership is open to anyone who has an interest in recording mammals in Somerset. The group organises occasional field meetings, talks and training events. The group can also provide support to members with organising their own mammal surveys.


Secretary: Sunny Jones  Email:
Chairman: Clare Fiennes


Please send your mammal records direct to SERC. You can also send details to the group if you have any queries about identification.

The group has contact with various research institutions that investigate health issues in mammals. Reports of dead mammals, particularly if the cause of death is not obvious, can be very useful for various projects so please let the group know. If possible the bodies can be collected and passed on to researchers