The SERC Team

Meet the Team

The SERC team is made up of 4 members of staff, with project officers and other volunteers joining us on a short-term basis.

Direct emails

Pending recruitment   – Manager

Responsible for the management and development of the record centre.

Tony Price – Data Management Officer

Manages the data holdings and IT for SERC. Lead on IHS and BioPlan, and other software development.

Key contact for technical support for service users, software products and IT services.

Ann Fells MSc BSc (hons) MCIEEM – Ecologist

Responsible for the Local Wildlife Sites (LWS) review programme.

Ellen Phillpot – Records Centre Support Officer

Responsible for the data enquiry and online recording services, assists with management tasks and developing core services. Specialist group liaison and lead on Somerset State of Nature report.

Key contact for data entry enquiries.