Somerset Botany Group

The Somerset Botany Group carry out surveys of trees, shrubs, wild flowers, grasses and ferns (collectively known as vascular plants) for Somerset Wildlife Trust and other landowners interested in nature conservation.
Our survey results are provided to landowners or managers and:

• The Botanical Society of Britain and Ireland (BSBI)

• Somerset Environmental Record Centre (SERC).

Why do we do it?

Because it is fun and useful. We see some the best habitats in the county and make a real contribution to their management. Vascular plant diversity is a key indicator of overall habitat condition, given the dependence of many other species, such as butterflies, on plants and their ecological associations.

Getting Involved

New members are very welcome, whatever your abilities. Existing members will be more than happy to help you develop your identification skills.
We meet every Tuesday from April to September, usually on the Mendips, Levels or Poldens and occasionally further afield in the county.
We are also happy to receive requests to carry out surveys from local groups and reserve managers.


Chris Billinghurst Tel: 01761 221579 or email Val Graham at